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Wednesday Wisdom #4

Today's Wednesday Wisdom is sharing the words of the series protagonist Rezaaran Valhara.

Amidst the fear and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lot of hateful rhetoric being raised and further social divisions being sown by several groups around the world. However, during moments like this crisis we ought to be finding ways to help and show kindness to one another. This pandemic does not care for your wealth, race, gender or any other discriminator that people would use to create divisions.

There are several people working tirelessly to find ways to help with the array of difficulties affecting all people during this pandemic within what capacity they have at their disposal amidst this lock down. From the social media influencers using their platform to showcase small businesses in their local communities, to grocery retailers assisting with creating food packs for the underprivileged, volunteers using their time to create cloth masks for the poor and PVC visors for healthcare workers, volunteers assisting the handout of sanitizers to communities unable to afford these items, donating to local charities to cater for the homeless or even donating blood to assist with the severe shortages in hospitals during this time. These are the stories we should invest in sharing during this pandemic instead of further breeding hate.

Not everyone in life will have the opportunity of a great destiny that shakes the world, but each person has the choice to act with kindness. And many people acting with the spirit of kindness and toward a shared humanity can achieve quite a lot. So amidst all this darkness, choose to be the light. No matter how small an act of kindness it may seem to you, it is a kindness that is very much needed and may mean the world to someone else. That is a legacy we should all aspire to.

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