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So it's be a minute (more precisely 1,514,880 minutes but who's counting) since the last time I posted on my blog and more or less about that much time since I've engaged with any social media or done any writing of the sort. It was just one of those times where life got in the way. My wife and I got COVID from work and were incapacitated for several months while still working. Once we started getting closer to recovery though it was time to start buckling down with the studying to complete our final residency exams and our Master's research. And I became a father to beautiful twin daughters. It's been an eventful time. But here I am with lots of new experiences. There have been challenges, but that's just a part of life and in the end per aspera ad astra right? That's a little nugget of something new learned for today!

So, what are the writing plans and the plans with this blog? I have restarted the old WIP, Lords of Torementhias. This was planned to be book 3 in The Anmorian Legends series. However, in the intervening years I seem to have lost my story outline a few times.

Started a TikTok account just to generate this meme but we'll see if there's any benefit to the platform. The 'BookTok' scene is apparently a place to be if you're looking to extend your reach so I'd like to check it out.

I've also slowly eased into Twitter again but I am trying to keep most engagements to strictly writing related interactions so that the algorithm doesn't flood me with negative vibes.

In any case, this return chat is starting to drag a bit. So I'll just end of by saying it's great to be back and I look forward to sharing the journey in bringing Lords of Torementhias to life. More updates will follow here and on Instagram. Feel free to check out the other platforms as well if you'd like to get in touch!

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