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First Mood Board Update: Chapter 1, Scene 1 (WC = 823)

On my return to Twitter I noticed a lot of tweets from the writing community talking about and sharing moodboards. I'd not heard of this before and after a brief search online learned that they were a tool used by designers to get an established aesthetic for their WIP. In a way it's like a scrap book of ideas you'd like to keep on hand to act as both an inspiration for your writing and to generate a feel for the story.

I decided to give it a try and thought that perhaps it could be an engaging piece of content to share the process and some potential concept art. The Mandalorian has become one of my favorite Star Wars shows and part of the unique charm of the show is the concept art at the end of the episode.

With this in mind I opted to do something a little different with my moodboards and use them to get a feel for each scene in the story. Usually when I write, I visualize the scene as though watching it in a movie or experiencing it vicariously. To this end, I felt that this format would help me convey that process but also track it for myself to put me right back into the correct mood and frame of mind when I need to return to a specific scene.

The first board is as follows:

The first scene of the story opens on the balcony of the newly constructed Sylvan Spire, a towering futuristic white composite steel building that is the new residence for the ruler of Zenor, presiding from the newly named capital city of Valhara. The two characters to open the story are Ashana Binarjiin, the new Veritian of Zenor. One of her early tasks was to abdicate the throne and dismantle the monarchy. Ashana despite her attempts to step down was unanimously voted by the Zenorian people to continue leading them. Her history as a previous birthright ruler and a well regarded war hero, made her an easy and uncontested candidate. She thus picked up the mantle of Veritian, named after the Viritius star that shone brightly over the Zenorian lands. In their history, the Veritius star guided their ancestors to discover the ends of the planet. In time it came to be a symbol for the old kingdom of Sylvoria where Ashana hailed from.

Since the end of the Dominion War, the galaxy has enjoyed a period of 8 years of peace. Ashana has allowed herself to embrace a more casual and regal dress instead of her military apparel.

In the interim, Rezaaran has taken on the mantle of Anmorian Guardian of Light. His armor is both mystic and elegant. However, despite this Rezaaran is embroiled in a prolonged war with the Obsidious and his fear that the conflict could harm Ashana again prevents him from reaching out to her. Instead he watches her from the solitude of the Light. The mood is set to Seether's 'Broken' which captured the mood I wanted for this scene of reflection but quiet sorrow between two star crossed lovers.

I am hoping to keep a regular shcedule and post more of these boards on Mondays.

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